This restaurant used to be called The Flying Dutchman. It has recently been renamed "Dutchman's Seafood House" and has been majorly renovated. Gone are the kitschy booths and pirate-themed wall decor. They sort of "fancied" it up. I was happy to see that there were many diners in attendance the day I lunched there. They still offer bottomless sodas, and their servers are quite friendly. Their menu is rather fish- and seafood-oriented, but they offer a grilled chicken breast on the side, and there are several beef items, as well.

I was happy that I was able to order my cheeseburger cooked medium-rare. Their lightly seasoned french fries were great, crisp and slightly seasoned -- no ketchup needed. There were several that were overcooked, though. The bun is buttered and slightly toasted, which was great because the burger was so juicy!!

As usual, I ordered the side salad minus cucumber and tomato, which left a pretty naked salad. The green lettuce was good, and there was plenty of blue cheese dressing. The croutons were good, too, even if they were not homemade. It was rather expensive for a side salad, though. They brought out the salad early for me, but neglected to bring a new fork with the burger.
I will definitely return here, perhaps when there is a group of people. The view is fantastic, the servers are friendly, and if you have their old "locals-only" off-season discount card don't throw it away, they still honor it if you show it to them. I will return here, especially with my friends when they visit from out-of-town!!
I lived there for 1 year Rory has lived there for one year we live right there on the sailboat behind the Dutchman talk about diarrhea that place gives everybody diarrhea I feel sorry for the owner his name is Paul we have busted him five times scratching his butthole and sniffing his fingers I think he's lacking something in his diet but talk about diarrhea that is the diarrhea capital of the embarcader of Morro Bay LOL if you like diarrhea that's fine you got a good view with diarrhea perfect if you like diarrhea
I wonder who's going to take over the Dutchman when Paul leaves Paul is a good man but we have busted him five times scratching his butthole and sniffing his fingers I worked for him and we strain the oil through shirts from the thrift store that he buys to save money that guy is too much I think he is too old and he has lost his mind butthole sniffer Paul is his nickname but it's a beautiful view sea otter sailboats everything's great you'll end up with diarrhea though we do not know the problem I have quit because my friends laugh at me because that is the diarrhea capital of Morro Bay sorry to say the Dutchman has a problem with diarrhea I do not know nobody knows it's a mystery you eat there 20 minutes later you got bubble guts you'll s*** your pants that place is cheap food for super a lot of money poor Dutchman do not know how it fits there do not know that works there but it is a trap
We're all sitting in the room tonight talking about Paul the butthole sniffer I haven't seen him shake his head one time smelling his fingers it must have been a bad scent he must have really ate something raunchy from his own place LOL we are all in tears right now because it is so true we see him smell his fingers and step back and shake his head poor Paul we love him to death he's a great man but he smells his fingers then when we see him selling and serving drinks we want to throw up everybody runs in different directions try not to look diarrhea capital of Morro Bay we love Paul to death but we think he's too old and he has lost his mind we strain the oil through shirts in the bucket to save money he is a fool but we do what we say because he pays us and we try to stay away and not touch nothing that he has touched because we know that he sniffs his fingers Dutchman is beautiful great scenery sea otter sailboats down there but you will get diarrhea diarrhea will come or you will have pains and aches in the morning you will not know why life goes on in Morro Bay PS Paul hates Fresno
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